Last updated at 9:21 PM, 14th June 2024 (+0530)

This page is a work in progress.

All the code and content of this website are publicly available. So should the statistics.

This page contains data and charts/insights from the data that I think you, as readers of my blog, would find interesting/relevant.

As mentioned in my ethics statement, this blog does not collect personal data or personally identifiable information.

All data is from the past month (30 days) and will be updated daily.

Visitors by Country

It's always amazing to see people from around the world reading my blog. Most visitors come from India, United States of America, United Kingdom, and France.

Chart showing the source of visitors over last one month.
Stats from the last 30 days

Last updated at 9:21 PM, 14th June 2024 (+0530)

Shoutout to Christy, an actual GIS Engineer, who helped me create the chart above.

Visitors per Day

243 people visited the blog on 7th June 2024. This is the highest number of daily visitors in the past month.

Out of them, 140 were here to read this.

Chart showing visitors over last one month.
Stats from the last 30 days

Last updated at 9:21 PM, 14th June 2024 (+0530)

Visitors by Source

Most people visited the site from the source: Google.

There is a lot of traffic from direct links. I should level up my link-tagging game.

Chart showing the source of visitors over last one month.
Stats from the last 30 days

Last updated at 9:21 PM, 14th June 2024 (+0530)

What should I add next here? Send your suggestions to